Baron: Fur Is Gonna Fly

A key element to any party game is that it is easy to pick and play but has enough depth that it takes time to master. Dogmelon Games' cute, fury and fun offering Baron: Fur Is Gonna Fly soars high on some fronts but crashes and burns in others.

Baron: Fur Is Gonna Fly sees players selecting one of eight different animal pilots to fly a range of aircraft equipped with various goofy weapons. From there you are sent out into a war zone to engage in crazy dogfights, whether they be team battles or every creature for themselves in epic eight-player battles.

The gameplay is very easy to understand and immediately dive into the action. In no time you'll be swooping, rolling and diving bombing opponents. Sadly though the game doesn't become more complex the longer you play, in fact, you'll probably master all of the tricks within a few short play sessions.

The character designs and cute intersectional elements between combat give Baron: Fur Is Gonna Fly its charm. With its early 1900s inspired design this is a cute and fun game which is great fun to play with friends, but lacking in the necessary depth for single-player sessions.

★★ ½

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