Unusual Findings

Unusual Findings Screenshot

Ready for some retro gaming at its finest? Then look no further than Unusual Findings.

Epic Llama Games didn’t skimp on the nostalgia they put into this game. From the slightly pixelated graphics to the Easter eggs left throughout the different places you visit, along with the dialogue and soundtrack, this game is sure to hit all the right notes with anyone who grew up on vintage NES games.

This game revolves around 3 friends, Vinny, Nick, and Tony, who uncover a scrambled Alien distress call while trying to use their new cable signal descrambler to watch naked ladies on an adults-only channel. Ya know, typical teenage boy stuff back in the day. The ship crash lands into the woods and from there, our 3 young fellows embark on a fun-filled journey to get to the bottom of everything. 

This game is filled with puzzles to keep you going; however, it was a bit difficult to navigate on the PS4 controller. This game embodies the point-and-click method so having to only scroll slightly and constantly hit a button on the controller was a bit tedious so with that being said, I really think this game would be best suited for PC play. Commands in the game are pretty basic, “Look”, “Touch”, or “Talk”, but they do change on occasion depending on your current situation in the game. There were instances where the “Touch” command would turn into “Punch” or “Grab”. 

This game really does encourage you to interact with everything in the area you’re in. It might not seem necessary, but if you miss one thing you might be stuck going back and forth between places just to advance in the puzzles. One big thing I left for the end, it’s a “Choose your own adventure” style game so there are a few different ways this could end for you, which is a really fun reason to revisit and play through if you have the time. 

Overall, I enjoyed this game, even if the gameplay wasn’t exactly ideal. It had some great puzzles, the characters were fun, and I really appreciated all the nods to the 80s & 90s.


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Corrina Mabey

Corrina is a passionate & self-professed film, TV, & gaming nerd.

While Corrina will give anything a shot she especially loves all things horror, so much so that she has multiple horror-inspired tattoos.


Oliver Linde


Monique Angele