Star War: The Rise Of Skywalker


Star War: The Rise Of Skywalker brings a 42-year long saga to a rather underwhelming and serene ending.

The Disney sequel trilogy has been much derided - The Force Awakens for its overly safe, nostalgic plot and The Last Jedi for failing to satisfyingly answer any of the fandoms burning questions. The Rise Of Skywalker is unlikely to break this trend, although it will gain praise from many for quickly discarding much of the contentious canon established in The Last Jedi.

Whilst this latest instalment is an enjoyable and heartfelt ride through the galaxy the underlying story is riddled with plot holes (likely a result of trying to rectifying the previous instalment’s mistakes). For a large portion of the film, it relies heavily on action sequences and nostalgic callbacks to draw out the emotional gravitas as it rushes towards the ending at lightspeed.

Ultimately The Rise Of Skywalker is yet another disappointing instalment in the beloved franchise. Throughout the trilogy, it has never felt like there was a clear and decisive vision for the three-film story arc, and as a result, this has hurt each subsequent iteration.


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