Bring Me The Horizon - Post Human: Survival Horror EP


Reflecting on 2020 Oli Sykes sums the year up beautifully on Teardrops, "Everything is fucked."

Bring Me The horizon certainly have every reason to feel that way after coming off the back of their wildly popular amo last year. Rather than wallow in self pity though the band have returned with a forceful new EP in the form of the Post Human: Survival Horror EP.

With this release the group delve back into the darkness and heaviness of past albums. Throughout the EP the band deliver driving metal with  cyberpunk and Japanese metal influences sprinkled in to keep it fresh. The aforementioned Teardrops reminded me of early Linkin Park, but with more attitude and fire behind it.

Perhaps the biggest surprises on this record are the appearances of Yungblud on Obey and Babymetal on Kingslayer. Both seem like unusual fits but Bring Me The Horizon prove their skill by making these collaborations feel natural and valuable additions.

This record is certainly going to come as a shock for new fans who were drawn in by amo. But for long time Bring Me The Horizon fans this will be a welcome return to their heavy roots.


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