Pseudo-documentary 2030 explores the life, death and potential reanimation of futurist and author Fereidoun M. Esfandiary (better known as FM-2030).
During his life, FM-2030 wrote about the ideas of extended longevity, evolved social values, the technological advances in life extension - with a particular focus on cryogenics. Upon his death, FM-2030 chose to be cryogenically preserved so that he could be the first person reanimated after the procedure, and thus solidify his life's work and theories.
Filmmaker Johnny Boston's film, 2030, takes place in the months surrounding FM-2030's proposed reanimation date.
During the initial portion of the film, the viewer is drawn in by the incredible technology being explored. However, as the film progresses it begins to become too wrapped up in its own narrative and the shady nature of the cryogenics industry. The leader of the laboratory conducting FM-2030's cryogenic process, in particular, feels like an exaggerated caricature of a villain.
In the end, the lines between documentary and fictional narrative become far too blurred. Leaving the films overall impact negligible.
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