Adam Noviello

Multidisciplinary artist Adam Noviello has been a part of Melbourne's arts community for many years, but is now taking his creative journey in an exciting new direction. For Adam this new creative direction feels "incredibly special" as they are now able to create art which celebrates gender diverse people & may help young queer kids "love who they are."

Having precociously focused much of their creative output in the musical theatre & cabaret scene the past 2 years of lockdown have been incredibly difficult for Adam. When the pandemic & the subsequent lockdowns hit all of Adam's theatre work instantly disappeared, leaving them without a creative outlet. However, rather than sit & wallow in self pity Adam saw this an opportunity to finally pursue a childhood dream of pursuing music.

"I was sitting at home wondering what my future held as an artist," explained Adam. "Suddenly I felt like now was the best time to actually go in to record & produce my music before putting them out into the world."

According to Adam the transition towards music wasn't something which just suddenly came to them because it was the only creative option amidst lockdown. Rather it was an exploration of a long held ambition, "As far as passion is concerned I think music came first. Throughout high school I always wanted to be a singer, so musical theatre became an outlet where I could combine being a singer with being an actor."

Luckily for Adam because music has been something which was always held deep within. So when the opportunity arose to record they already had a plethora of songs written & ready to record. Whilst Heretic has the shine of being Adam's debut release it won't be the last we hear from them in 2022 as the lockdown period was spent recording & perfecting a full 6-track EP.

In terms of Heretic we asked Adam to talk Pario through the the inspiration behind this particular single.

"Heretic is the story of my gender journey," Adam explained before continuing. "With the dialogue in the world at moment around gender & fluidity I had gotten to a point in my life where I realised truly where I sat on that spectrum & how grey I live my life. I wanted to create a moment for gender diverse people where the song isn't about highlighting the trauma of gender diversity & the hardship that it takes to get to a place where you are content with who you are. I wanted to create a moment for us & our community which said 'we're here, we're fierce & we're fabulous'! I just wanted to create a moment for gender diverse people that lets us celebrate & love who we are."

Watching queer artists all round the world storming up the charts & being recognised for their amazing art Adam said it is "incredibly special" to also be contributing to that wave with their own music.

"To see queer artists be recognised, applauded & admired is huge for the LGBT+ community. When I was young we were drawn towards camp artists, but there were no artists who represented us fully. There were definitely the androgynous icons such as Prince, Bowie & Elton John but now what we are getting is this unapologetic queer art. So to be putting out a song that contributes to that environment & might tell other queer kids that 'you're ok, in fact you're beautiful & in fact people love you' is incredibly special."

Follow Adam's creative journey on Instagram, Facebook & TikTok

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