Jakob's Wife

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In Jakob's Wife the titular character Anne, played by horror icon Barbara Crampton, sees her dreary and formulaic married life take a dramatic turn following a chance encounter with a vampire.

Anne has come to find that after 30 years married to small town minister Jakob her life has become dull. So when she is bitten by a vampire, simply referred to as 'The Master', the ensuing urges and sense of power she begins to feel becomes exhilarating. As Anne attempts to fulfil her urges and satiate her hunger the bodies begin to pile up in copious pools of blood.

When Jakob suddenly discovers Anne's secret new life by walking in on her feeding on a neighbour the couple set out to kill 'The Master'. This new mission for both Anne & Jakob sees both characters challenging the status quo of their marriage and existence together.

Jakob's Wife attempts to provide a social commentary on the state of modern marriage and the standing of modern woman. However, as the film progresses it becomes more and more wacky, thus losing some of the poignancy. As a silly weekend horror movie Jakob's Wife achieves what it set out to do but it doesn't go much further.


Jakob's Wife arrives on horror streaming service Shudder on Aug 19.

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Dagan Moriarty