
When Pixar's latest entry into the Toy Story film franchise was first announced the world immediately began to ponder how exactly Lightyear would fit within this universe. That question is immediately answered in Lightyear when we are given a written intro slate which says, "In 1995 Andy got a toy. The toy was from his favourite movie. This is that movie." What then follows is a typically emotionally charged & endearing film from the masters of the craft in the animation realm.

Creating a prequel/spin-off to one of the most beloved animated movies of all time some 27 years after the original was a task fraught with danger. Particularly for Chris Evans, who steps in to voice Buzz Lightyear after he had previously been portrayed by Tim Allen. Thankfully Evans does a fantastic job of giving the character his own take without ever feeling like he is emulating Allen's version of the character.

Evans is however overshadowed by the supporting cast of Taika Waititi and Peter Sohn as Mo and Sox respectively. These two characters provide the vast majority of the comedic moments, which are needed to balance out the emotional story of a man struggling to understand his own self-worth in the world.

As always from Pixar Lightyear is a beautiful film visually thanks to its striking colours & dazzling space travel sequences.

Whilst the story of Lightyear doesn't go to infinity & beyond as we have come to expect from these films it is a rollicking fun time - even if it does start slow &drag on just a tad too long. Kids & adults along will have a wonderful time watching Lightyear regardless.


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