Nick O'Mara - Overland

Over the years Nick O'Mara has built a reputation as one of Australia's premier guitarists blending pop & folk. With his new album, Overland, O'Mara showcases all of his talents on guitarist & as a songwriter across 10 tracks.

Exploring themes of hope & dread, beauty & decay, love & loss, malevolence & deliverance Overland is a captivating release filled with narrative storytelling & beautiful musicianship. Across the 10 tracks O'Mara sways between alternative country, folk, blues, soft-rock, Americana & even a hint of psychedelic folk-rock.

Overland is not the type of album you put on to have a pleasant boogie along to one a weekend. Instead this is the type of album you grab your favourite beverage & sink into your favourite chair with to absorb intently from beginning to end.


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