Survival Of The Arts

Harleigh-Rose Byrne

When COVID arrived on Australian shores many industries were forced to shutter their doors. One industry that has been impacted perhaps more than any other is the Australian arts industry. Thankfully the industry is filled with incredibly passionate people who want to make a difference & support their fellow creatives through this challenging time. Two such people are dancer Harleigh-Rose Byrne & actress Olivia Deeble, both of whom have joined forces to create the upcoming Survival Of The Arts event.

Whilst speaking with Pario Byrne described the event as, "a networking expo type event where creatives can come together to showcase what they do best through performances, workshops, talks, & pop-up stalls. " Byrne also noted that the event is a "not-for-profit with proceeds from ticket sales going back to the performers directly, with any remaining funds going to a charity which supports the arts."

Deeble, who has previously worked on Home & Away & in the Disney+ movie Secret Society Of Second-Born Royals, felt it was important for herself to support this event because she understands how hard this year has been for emerging artists.

"Whilst this period has been difficult for me, I think of myself as one of the lucky ones because I was able to establish myself pre-COVID... I think of all of the little kids who have to do their ballet classes on Zoom now & that is heartbreaking to me."

Watching all of the arts suddenly disappear was devastating for both Byrne & Deeble.

"As performers, we've been so lucky to be able to gain monetary value from our passion or dream but there is this really fine line where it can suddenly all disappear," said Deeble. "For me when the arts opportunities were taken away not only was my job taken away but so too was my hobby & my self-worth."

Olivia Deeble

Olivia Deeble

So bearing in mind that the impact of COVID & lockdown was both monetary & mental Byrne & Deeble are now pleading for support, even as restrictions begin to ease around the country.

"Even once we open up again it's not going to be enough for the arts community," said Byrne. To which Deeble added, "We can't expect to build ourselves back up from a place where we are continually pushed down without community support."

It is here the Survival Of The Arts event will play a crucial role.

"The idea is that we have all of the different types of creatives in one space to network with each other but also build potential clientele & public support," explained Byrne. "Doing that will create a cycle of bringing more work into the arts industry in the future.

Harleigh-Rose Byrne

"We want as many creative people involved as possible. We want this event to be super inclusive & accessible for all. We want to create a really welcoming & safe space to freely express yourself, so we welcome anybody to come onboard.

"It's crazy when you think about how much of the world around us is art. I can't even imagine what the world would be like without art, which is why I want to stress that we need to support the arts. We need to be appreciated.


Support Survival Of The Arts at:

Rose Quartz Entertainment: @RQ_Entertainment

Harleigh-Rose Byrne: @Harleigh_Rose

Olivia Deeble: @OliviaDeeble


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