The Quarry

As we've now passed the halfway point of the year spooky season is fast approaching. Thankfully for horror fans game developer Supermassive Games have returned with their latest 80s inspired campy teen horror game The Quarry.

In The Quarry players take control of a group of teens situated in an isolated summer camp ground when things slowly begin to go awry. Following on in the footsteps of Until Dawn, the spiritual predecessor to The Quarry, this game slowly builds the tension as players make a range of decisions for the characters - some decisions are inconsequential while others have deadly consequences.

As a horror story The Quarry is obviously inspired heavily by campy teen slasher films such as Friday The 13th, Nightmare On Elm Street, & The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The story then weaves in some paranormal inspiration from the likes of The Blair Witch Project, 30 Days Of Night, Paranormal Activity & even a little Scooby-Doo. This gives the game a fun & spooky story which is very enjoyable to play as you attempt to solve the mystery - although at times the game does become a tad cliché.

In terms of the gameplay The Quarry is very simple. When required to make a decision the player is given ample time to consider their choices & the quick-time events (QTE's) are very easy, so you'll likely only fail by not paying attention or errant button presses.

Walking around in The Quarry is very slow, so this may discourage players from exploring the campgrounds to the fullest extent. The slowness of the game may also discourage players from returning for multiple play throughs in order to experience all the branching path & outcomes as the game does not make it easy to jump around between moments. As the game currently stands every time you reload a previous chapter all subsequent data is erased so you will have to play through from the reloaded moment onwards to complete the game again. Personally, a second play through feels needed but I think I may hold out on that one to explore the multiplayer couch co-op option for that second go around with The Quarry.

Visually The Quarry is incredibly inconsistent. There are moments & characters in The Quarry which are simply breathtaking & verging on photo realistic. However, there are just as many moments & character models where the polish is not there, which rapidly breaks the immersion you desperately need in this style of game.

Overall The Quarry is more of the same from Supermassive. If you enjoy a cheesy teen slasher/horror you will adore this game, just be warned it is not without its technical faults.


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