
At a young age musician Yazmindi already has a wealth of life experiences to draw upon for musical inspiration. The young singer songwriter has already travelled the world performing at events such as South By Southwest & the Woodford Folk Festival. She has lived all around Australia, so undoubtedly has fantastic story to share.

In an interview with Pario just before Christmas Yazmindi spoke about how she found her passion for music, how constantly moving has helped her musical growth & her new single, Avocado Latte.

Growing up in Far North Queensland in a very musical family Yazmindi explained how it was no real surprise that she ultimately ventured down this path herself.

"Both of my parents are musicians & performers at festivals, so I was brought up in this musical world & started performing myself at festivals around Australia when I was 13... Since then I've basically moved around a lot, going wherever my music takes me. I've even been overseas to chase my dream."

It's certainly no understatement when Yazmindi says she has moved around a lot, in fact she revealed that she has had "10 different addresses in 10 years." Whilst that would seem crazy to anybody else Yazmindi explained that she wouldn't change a thing, simply because of the impact these experiences have had on her as an artist.

"There's been pros & cons. The pros are that being the new person in town opens up lots of opportunities because venues want to book you. But then it can be hard to build a stable following because I haven't stayed in 1 place for long enough. 

"Moving around so much has been great for my songwriting though. I've met so many different people & worked in lots of different environments, so I've had constant inspiration."

Now that she has settled down in Byron Bay Yazmindi said she feels like she "really fits in" & that "Byron is the perfect balance" for her creatively.

When reflecting back on how her travels have impacted her music Yazmindi told Pario how her new single Avocado Latte showcases those experiences.

"The song is based on the avocado latte trend that happened in the same year I moved to Melbourne... I was also really homesick for far-North Queensland. I was missing, the rivers, the people & the easiness of living in a small rural town... Melbourne was so different to my home town... I started to realise 'wait there's a really funny stereotype of people from Melbourne' - they are stereotyped as vegan, coffee loving, hipsters so the song is about having a bit of tongue in cheek fun with that stereotype."

Looking ahead Yazmindi is attempting to crowd fund her debut album & hopes to finally make her touring debut in 2022.

"I booked 2 tours over the last 2 years, which obviously couldn't happen but I really want to get a band together to go on an album tour."

Keep up with Yazmindi on Instagram at: @YazmindiMusic

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