Screw It I Like Wrestling & I’m Going To Consume As Much As I Can In Any Shape Or Form!

So it's been quiet a long time since I sat down to write some entries for this blog, but I’m very happy to say I am back and will be writing a minimum of one of these a week.

In my time away I had a brief stint writing for a wrestling news website, I have previously posted some of my favourite/best entries from that site below so if you have a chance please take the time to read those.

Also since I last wrote for this blog I have had some changes in my personal life, almost finished uni, studying journalism, and have recently moved into my own place.

Moving into my own place is where the topic of this particular entry originated.

In this entry I’d like to talk about something that I think almost all wrestling fans go through and that is the stigma that non-wrestling fans place on it and how it can affect our viewing habits.

Whilst I was living with friends, both of which knew I liked wrestling, I kept up with both the WWE and TNA but only very rarely watched anything else. This idea that our passion for wrestling can be dampened by the social stigma it has placed on has been talked about by Colt Cabana many times on his Art of Wrestling Podcast. So basically I was a casual fan.

Since moving into my own place however my love of wrestling has been reignited and I’ve been watching all the episodes of TNA and WWE I may have missed, I’ve even watched some indy promotions such as Evolve 22, Dragon Gate USA Freedom Fight and Mercury Rising, whilst also managing to find the time to cram in listening to wrestling podcasts, such as the Art of Wrestling, I Want Wrestling by Dave Lagana, The Steve Austin Show and am currently planning on attending some Australian indy shows in July.

So as you can tell I’ve gone a bit crazy but I’m loving it and can’t believe I was missing out on all of this because I was worried about what others would think.

For me this is the second time I have gone through this transition, I remember as a kid loving wrestling when we first got pay-TV at home back during the Monday Night Wars, but then drifting away during high school only to re-find wrestling when school finished then drifting away again when I begun living with non-wrestling fans.

I’d be very interested in hearing other people’s experiences with this phenomenon of losing interest only to eventually return, leave your stories in the comments below and hopefully we can generate a good discussion.

Thanks for reading


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