
Photo: Jake Hurdle Photography

At just 21 years of age Melbourne's Aysha is already well on her way to becoming one of Australia's top future stars.

Unlike many young wrestlers, Aysha's introduction to the art form was unique. Unlike many people who first encounter wrestling on television, Aysha first witnessed it live & up close when she came across a wrestling ring at the annual Supernova convention. From that day on Aysha became obsessed with wrestling, even to the point where her parents had to "ban" her from watching briefly. Ultimately though Aysha's parents saw the passion she had for wrestling & would allow her to begin training when she turned 16.

"They were a bit hesitant but they knew how passionate I was about wrestling," explained Aysha. "So by the time I turned 16 & was allowed to train at the PCW Academy, my family were happy for me to do that as long as I kept up with my education in school & now at uni."

Growing up Aysha says she was inspired by WWE wrestler AJ Lee because she was "different from everyone else & the most relatable." This relatability came down to the fact that AJ portrayed a tomboy-ish character who was a little bit geeky, which is also exactly how Aysha described her teenage self.

"AJ made me realise that I didn't have to be a 'diva' or a supermodel in order to become a wrestler. She really paved the way for women's wrestling to become what it is today."

According to Aysha, the combination of athletics & stories is what hooked her on wrestling long term. Now as a professional wrestler herself Aysha uses all of these elements in her character to break out of her shyness & portray "the best version of myself that I wish I could be."

This strong, determined & confident character has seen Aysha become one-half of the inaugural Deathmatch Downunder (DMDU) Tag Team Champions alongside her real-life partner Murdoch.

Looking ahead Aysha says she & Murdoch as Misspent Youth are looking to build the tag division into a bigger focal point of DMDU. Having already wrestled the internationally acclaimed team Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis) Aysha is setting her sights on The Velocities (Paris De Silva & Jude London) next.

As a singles performer, Aysha already ticked off one of her goals for the year when she wrestled Charli Evans. So now she wants Jessica Troy next!

Obviously, with Aysha making a big name for herself in DMDU we had to ask if we could ever see her in a 'deathmatch' setting.

"Murdoch & I have definitely talked about it. He is all for it but I don't like sharp things, so I'll need some convincing. I admire the courage it takes to do that stuff, but even doing the blood tests before these shows were scary to me."

Keep up with Aysha on social media at: @AyshaFCB


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