Ian Scherer (616 Entertainment)

YouTube has been a breeding ground for some incredibly talented video producers. One such producer is Ian Scherer from the movie & video game channel, 616 Entertainment. Pario recently sat down with Ian to discuss his long journey. We spoke about building 616 Entertainment, which now boasts 93.9k subscribers. Ian also gives us his biggest tips for aspiring content creators.

Over on his channel, Ian produces a range of in-depth retrospective video series. Each focusing on a different property. So far Ian has covered; The History Of Mortal Kombat, The History Of Halloween & The History Of WCW Video Games. Yet, as Ian revealed to Pario, this style of video wasn't where his passion began.

"When I was 12 years old a couple of buddies & I grabbed a camera to make a movie. We made what we called 'our Halloween movie'. For that movie 1 of us had a Michael Myers mask, the other had a camera & we made the worst movie you've ever seen," recalled Ian. "As we grew up everybody else grew out of making movies but I kept going. I don't make Halloween movies anymore. Now I make videos about Halloween movies."

What inspired this shift in direction?

Ian credits a range of different people as his biggest inspirations. People like Colin Moriarty, Greg Miller, & James Rolfe (The Angry Video Game Nerd).

"My biggest influence in branching out into retrospectives was James Rolfe," explained Ian. "A long time ago he did a 4-part Castlevania series. I always wanted to make a series like that, about a series that meant as much to me as Castlevania meant to James. I was thinking about it for a while & realised that the WWE Smackdown games were my main thing growing up. So I put together The History Of Smackdown & kept doing things like that from then on."

Finding your voice as a content creator

Ian always knew his inspirations could only ever be the "match that ignites the fuel". Ian says this because he believes that content creators must be authentic. They must also produce content around topics that they have a passion for.

"It's so important to make sure you are covering things that you love. There have been different inspirations for me other the years. Sometimes those work out & sometimes they don't. But, once you find something that works you immediately know this is what you're supposed to be doing."

Combination of skill, timing & luck

It might appear that simple hard work & persistence led to Ian's success. But, he stresses, "It's not just about your work ethic. It's also about luck & circumstances... I ran this channel for 10 years for about 20 people because I loved it."

Ian's 2 biggest pieces of advice for aspiring creators:

  1. Plan content, but also remain flexible if it doesn't work.

  2. "Own your failures just as much as you are proud of your achievements to always improve your content."

Ian is thankful for the support from his community. As they have allowed him to be a full-time content creator.

"For the past couple of years, I've been living my dream. I have almost 94,000 subscribers but it's the couple hundred Patrons who make this all possible. I appreciate every single one of those Patrons so much."

Keep up with Ian on social media at: @616Entertainment

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