Interstellar Tay

Photo: Britt Spring

During the trying times that have been through over the last 18 months, we would all do well to take a page out of musician Interstellar Tay's notebook. In her latest single, Garden Song, Tay takes a deeply devastating period of her life & moulds it into an uplifting, celebratory track.

In a conversation with Pario recently Tay spoke about the influences of her family on her musical pursuits, the inspiration behind Garden Song & how she has combated a difficult period for musicians/artists all around Australia.

Growing up Tay was surrounded by music because her family was filled with professional musicians. From her parents to her aunts & uncles right the way through to her grandparents. Bearing this in mind it's no surprise that she followed in the family business, but she was quick to point out that there was "not necessarily" any pressure to do so.

"I'm not even sure music is a passion as such," said Tay. "It's just been a constant in my life."

With so many generations of musicians surrounding her as she grew up Tay’s musical interests were vast & varied.

"I had lots of influences, from the 60s to 90s. But I was really into Motown & The Living End - neither of which sound anything like the music I create now,” she told Pario.

According to Tay though her biggest musical influence was without a doubt her Grandfather, who she wrote Garden Song about. "He was a double bassist who actually played with the Bee Gees," explained Tay. "I think a lot of the music that I write is inspired by him."

When asked how she came to write Garden Song following the loss of her Grandfather Tay said, "It almost felt like something I simply had to get out at the time. It's hard to explain but it was something that was sitting on my chest."

Given that the song is about the loss of her Grandfather it took considerable skill to create a song that avoided becoming overly melancholic. However, as Tay said, it was clear that a song dedicated to her Grandfather took an upbeat path.

"He was very much into a lot of jazz and happier music. So it was only natural that if I was going to write a song about him then it would be happy."

Thankfully for Tay, she had developed her skills during her time at the Conservatorium Of Music & could put those to use on Garden Song. Whilst on face value Garden Song may seem simple when you examine it more closely it's clear that Tay used all of her skills to create a much deeper & more nuanced track than it first appears - which is exactly what Tay had set out to achieve.

"The music that I make is, I hope, deceptively simple," said Tay. "Underneath the simplicity, there is a lot of musical integrity, which has come from that time at the Con."

Everybody around Australia can perhaps relate to Tay over the past 18 months as we have all persevered through the COVID-19 pandemic. For Tay though that difficult period only seemed to compound over time, particularly when COVID-19 came within her creative circle.

Over the course of the past 18 months, Tay has had to cope with the shutdown of entertainment around the country, her best friend being diagnosed with cancer, & her collaborator on the Garden Song film clip contracting COVID.

Despite all of this Tay manages to stay upbeat. Particularly when asked, if she felt like sadness was following her around recently?

"No I wouldn't say so," said Tay with a little giggle. "That's just life, the older you get then these things happen. If anything this whole period has been an impetus to write a bunch of music."

Looking ahead Tay is hoping to return to the road & tour once safe to do so. In the mean time though she is excited to explore live streaming opportunities.

"I feel like the whole COVID thing gives me the opportunity to do live streams & invite people in that way, rather than having to get people to necessarily go to a venue. On the whole, I'm viewing it as a positive, because now people from all over the world can tune in & watch at home in their pyjamas."

To keep up to date with Tay's streaming efforts stay tuned to her Facebook page.


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