
As we all know the past few years have been incredibly challenging for creatives. The challenges faced recently have been multi-layered. Firstly performing artists lost all of their live performance opportunities. then secondly, for some artists like Melbourne-based electro-pop musician Nussy, the isolation of lockdown also stripped them of any creative inspiration.

Thankfully though, as we came to learn during a recent chat with Nussy, there was somewhat of a silver lining. For Nussy that silver lining is a reassurance that she is "doing what I'm supposed to be doing with my life" & a greater drive to chase her passion for music.

Inspired by pop music icons

Nussy's newfound drive was encapsulated in her latest single release, Down To Earth.

Described as a blissful blast of bright & buoyant electro-pop Down To Earth showcases many of the influences which have helped form the artist that Nussy is today. Reflecting on her early years discovering her passion for music Nussy told Pario her first, & greatest, musical influences were Kylie Minogue & Madonna.

"My earliest influence definitely would be Kylie Minogue & Madonna, thanks to my aunties, who were all partying in the 80s."

The love for these pop music icons was solidified when Nussy's dad took her to see Kylie Minogue perform live when Nussy was around 15 or 16 years old.

"I loved the theatrical aspect of the show," recalled Nussy before continuing. "I love her songs & she is an amazing performer but the whole thing together was exactly what I wanted to do."

Since that day Nussy has pursued music vigorously in various forms. Firstly she tried DJing before then studying music formally. Upon completing her studies Nussy formed a 5-piece which has slowly distilled down to a solo show.

In her solo format, a Nussy live show consists of just her, some DJ decks, a sample pad, a little keyboard & a microphone.

Speaking about this slow downsizing of the band Nussy said, "When you are an independent artist you are funding everything so after a little while we cut the band down... Eventually, I ended up with no band, sorry band."

Although the new solo format is working incredibly well Nussy explained that she still has plans to bring everyone back for a full band show at least once.

"They are all still my friends & we will eventually get the full band back together."

Stripped of inspiration

As we mentioned earlier the pandemic hampered Nussy's creative process in the lead-up to the release of Down To Earth. So much so that as Pario came to discover, this particular single has been in the pipeline since late 2019.

"Prior to COVID happening we had written the song, gotten the bare bones of the production down & I'd done all of the vocals but then COVID hit & we couldn't finish," recalled Nussy. "So there was this long period where I kind of forgot about it. But then during 1 of the breaks between lockdowns, we were able to go into the studio together to finish it off. Then again we went back into lockdown, so there was a really long period of nothing happening again."

Unlike a lot of other artists, Nussy felt her creative slump almost entirely during lockdown. Something which she credits to her need for outside stimulus to inspire her.

"I've been talking to a lot of people through this year & it's funny because some people found the lockdowns to be really great for their creativity but I really didn't. I really thrive on being around people & having experiences, I hate being on my own. I constantly need to be doing things, having experiences with people & hearing people's stories for inspiration. Not having any of those experiences meant I didn't really have anything that I wanted to write about."

Although that meant Nussy wasn't writing new music this period made her realise just how much she loved music, & in particular how much she loved Down To Earth.

"Once it got to the middle of this year I realised I was really proud of Down To Earth," beamed Nussy. "Although it had been in the works for ages I really loved it & really wanted to put it out, because I'd be really sad if it didn't see the light of day."

Nervous to release music again

On the flip side though, because it had been so long since Nussy last related a song she had to face a whole new wave of emotions this year.

As she recalled the lead-up to the release of Down To Earth was "actually really scary" purely because of that time between releases.

"It's always nerve-wracking putting new work out but you kind of get a little bit used to it when you are doing it all the time," explained Nussy. "But then there was this big gap where I hadn't released anything, so all of a sudden I was really nervous about it. I had forgotten what it felt like to release music so it felt like I was putting out my first single again."

Thankfully for Nussy & her fans the release of Down To Earth signals a return to her consistent release schedule with lots more new music to come.

"I had a really big creative boom when I went over to Sweden in 2019. The community there were the most welcoming, positive, & beautiful people that I have ever met in my life. I found it really easy after that trip to harness a lot of the energy that I had gotten from being in that positive space. So I have a lot of stuff that is about half finished that I'm really looking forward to going into the studio to see what we can do with."

Follow Nussy's Creative Journey on social media at: @NussyMusic


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