Part Paladin - Koedal

Indigenous music has been on the rise over the past few years in Australia but for me, there has seemingly been a genre that has yet to be touched by Indigenous music, that was until now. Part Paladin's new single Koedal (pronounced kah-dahl) dives into the alt-rock/modern metal space & does so extremely well.

Recorded, composed & produced by Dux Newton (who also provides vocals, guitar & bass) with Pete Drummond on drums & Jonathan C adding cello highlights this song is something very unique. Blending driving rhythms & guitars with pop sensibilities & deep lyricism Koedal explores themes of identity, heritage, & cultural dynamics.

The metal & alt-rock spaces have long been the realm of white bands so to hear something which comes from the Indigenous community is special. Koedal will introduce a largely white community to crucially important Indigenous issues & for this alone, this song needs to be heard. However, this is not the only reason to check out this song as it stands on its own two feet as a charging metal/rock song.


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