Will Henderson - Painting The Wind


Australian singer-songwriter Will Henderson's new single Painting The Wind has given us a glimpse in the creative beauty of his upcoming debut album.

Listening to this single you'll be taken away on a soft dreamy cloud held up by Henderson's wistful vocals. The undercurrent of the track is then filled out with stings& backing vocals provided by Ester Henderson, alongside trombone & percussion by Frank Dasent & Petros Tzekos. When this sonic brilliance is then combined with the home movie-esque film clip you'll immediately long for lazy summer adventures along the coastline of Australia.

Once you are able to resurface from the mesmerised state of this track & focus on the lyricism you'll realise just how deep this track is. As you'll come to realise Painting The Wind depicts the sensation of synesthesia (a neurological condition where music can involuntarily trigger an experience of colour, shape, and movement).

Painting The Wind is a beautiful track which if I were to experience synsthesia whilst listening would evoke lots of calming blues & warm summer yellows. We can't wait to see what else Henderson can evoke within us with his upcoming debut album.

★★★ ½

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