1st Year Checking

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As the public's knowledge about the dangers of concussions continues to expand we all begin to look at every aspect of our world differently. In particular, children's sport is the next big area of concern for doctors, parents and the young athletes themselves.

Michael Messner's new documentary, 1st Year Checking, shines a light on these concerns by exploring the dangers of youth hockey, especially when checking is introduced for the first time. Messner, who is also the father of two youth hockey players, explores this topic by filming his son Grayson during his first year of check hockey when he turns 12 years old.

Whilst hockey is not a hugely popular sport in here Australian viewers will still be able to take something from this film. Especially when you take note of the size discrepancies between children in the 12-14 year age group you can see that hockey and our more widely played sports of rugby league and AFL all need to take heed of the concussion risks.

1st Year Checking is a compelling and personal look into the world of youth hockey The film highlights the dangers of the sport, the benefits and beauty of the sport, and gives you a great insight into the mind of a young players as he struggles to overcome his fears.


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